Friday, January 29, 2010

To Read List

I've been subscribing to this blog on after picking up The Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath) from HarperCollins. (Which was amazing and I'm embarrassed I took so long to pick it up; too bad we didn't read this for group; I think the other girls will love it when they read it someday! Anyway...) They post some good stuff, and recently they plugged an author named Lionel Shriver. I had never heard of her, but this post lists her current published works and descriptions of them. I'm a skeptical person, and I definitely assume that this is just to pick up sales....but after reading some sections on Amazon, I'm 100% going to check this author out. She seems funny and intelligent. I wonder why I've never heard of her?? Just a few that stood out...
  • The Post-Birthday World
  • We Need to Talk About Kevin
  • The Female of the Species, all by Lionel Shriver

1 comment:

  1. increasing sales is always a goal--but she truly is one of my favorite authors, and i don't know that i could do a challenge for an author I didn't like.

    anyway, you've won a copy! send me your address at erica dot barmash at harpercollins dot com.
